Secret Exchange Protocol
The following note was emailed to all participants. If you did not receive it via email, please let the hostesses know.
Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having fun planning and knitting their tote to send to their partner. I know many of your are participating in an exchange for the first time so I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss some hints and tips to make this Secret Exchange as much fun as it can be for all participants.
1. Consider sending an email or post card to your recipient. Although we are not requiring people to contact their recipients, it's a great deal of fun for your recipient when they DO hear from you. If you want to remain anonymous, you may set up an anonymous email that doesn't contain your name. OR I will offer the following to anyone who doesn't want to bother with setting up an email but DOES want to send their partner a message. Send an email to this email address with your message and the person to whom you want to send the message. I will copy and paste the content into a new email and send it from this email address. [Note: the downside to this is that your recipient will not be able to respond.]
2. Respond to your sender's email - If you have received an email from your sender, please respond so they know you received their message. More importantly, if you have received a small package from your sender, let them know you received it!!! You may do this by emailing them (if you have an email address to them) or better yet, POST TO THE BLOG!!!
3. Comments are very much appreciated! If you see a picture on the blog that you like, do leave a comment! It only takes a minute or two and the original poster gets so much out of it.
4. Thank your sender - I feel kind of silly spelling that out but in the last exchange I did, there were many senders who were never thanked at all. We get busy... we forget.... But it really makes the sender feel bad so please try to be respectful.
I think that does it for now. If you have any tips you'd like us to share with the group, please do let us know!!
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