Tote Exchange

Welcome to the Tote Exchange where you can sign up to secretly knit and exchange a bag / tote / purse that is knit or knit & felted. The exchange is now closed to new participants, but please remember to post each month with your progress. All participants should receive their package by July 21, 2006.

Friday, July 14, 2006

ONE WEEK TO GO!!! And Tote Exchange 2!!

Hard to believe that there is only one week to go until this Tote Exchange is officially over. Most of you have already completed and sent your bags and I have really enjoyed seeing everyone's works of art!

As Allison mentioned a few days ago, you all agreed to have your bag delivered to your partner by JULY 21st - next Friday. That means they should be in the mail by Tuesday at the latest for domestic delivery.

If you have an overseas partner (or you are overseas) and have not yet mailed your bag or if your bag is coming along slower than anticipated and you will not meet the domestic shipping deadline , please email the gmail account ASAP and let us know your progress and an estimated ship date. We want to let your partners know right away so they don't feel like they have been forgotten.

Finally, if life has gotten in the way and you will not be able to fulfill your obligation, please email the gmail account ASAP so we can make sure your partner is taken care of in a timely manner.

Now a little teaser... Kim, Allison and I are going to host a Tote Exchange 2!!! Please don't sign up yet as we will be busy closing down this exchange, however, we wanted to give you a heads up - tell your knitting buddies! We hope you'll all join us again. The next exchange will be similar to this one only shorter (two months from sign-up to delivery.)

Selina was our fourth hostess for this round and she did a great job maintaining the blog. She is not available for the next exchange so we'd like to solicit some help. If anyone is interested in signing up to be our "Blog Mistriss" (isn't that a cool title?), please send an email to the gmail account. The primary duties will include setting up the blog and maintaining it. We only need one person and we ask that they have blogging experience.



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